Welcome to the territory of the FARBENLÖWE: to the premier class of paints and varnishes

finn fleischer farbenloewe

... and the most modern that the paint and paint world has to offer. Without detours, without middlemen and without compromises. But with a strong team from the New Economy and 30 years of lived Hanseatic merchant honor.
Or in other words:

Finn and Thomas Fleischer, who have created a strong dominance on the German paint market from two generations.


Tough when it comes to the best.

Our bar is high. Very high. Because as your supplier and partner we never compromise when it comes to quality, we are the best we are. And this claim is reflected in our more than 300 different self-produced products.

At FARBENLÖWE only the best get into the potty. Lion's paw on it!


Why you are always king thanks to our “Industrial End User 2.0” concept.

Digital power and 100% customer satisfaction - is that possible? But something!

The magic words of FARBENLÖWE are digitalization, automation and motivation! Through automated purchasing and sales, we offer all the possibilities that artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things provide. Our young and highly motivated team knows no questions that don't have an answer.

Try it out. A COLOR LION never disappoints you!

Sounds as strong as a lion. But isn't that incredibly expensive?

Since we supply each of our customers directly and the ordered goods reach you without any intermediaries, we can offer prices that no one else has at this level of quality, despite the outstanding product and service quality.

Without any externally controlled price pressure. But with even more innovation from our own laboratory.

Do you want to revolutionize the world of paints and varnishes with us and bring the concentrated lion power of our range into your home? – Then take a look around and see for yourself!

We look forward to seeing you - really.

NEW: Our founder Finn Fleischer was invited to an interview by the entrepreneur channel with the title: Finn Fleischer digitizes his family business!